Save the date: November 12th-13th, Autumn School about Flow Batteries!

Save the date: November 12th-13th, Autumn School about Flow Batteries!

On November 12th and 13th, Leitat organizes an Autumn School about flow batteries with the support of JenaBatteries, IREC, UAB and UB. During these two days, participants will be able to discover the latest scientific advances in the field and get a realistic view of them, thanks to the practical classes that will be taught in the laboratory. The full program will be available soon.

Master and PhD students are invited to participate (the participation is completely free). The event is organized in the framework of the European EnergyKeeper project, and it will be a great opportunity to meet people working on this area and know how the most advanced flow batteries work.

You can register on the Eventbrite website page. We hope to see you there!

Download the programme here.

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