Stakeholder Webinar: Advances in the Substitution of Hazardous Flame Retardants in Textile

On the 17th of June at 10:00, the LIFE FLAREX project is organising a stakeholder webinar about Advances in the Substitution of Hazardous Flame Retardants Chemicals in Home Textile.

The aim of this webinar is to present the key findings and outcomes from the LIFE-FLAREX project and open a debate on the implementation of hazardous chemicals’ substitution strategies and opportunities for the textile industry, in particular for flame retardants (FRs) used in textile finishing processes and other ongoing trends that are applicable to the sector.

The webinar‘s objectives are:

  1. Present key findings from the LIFE-FLAREX project as a case study aimed to find sustainable alternatives to FRs based on halogenated compounds and antimony.
  2. Discuss main findings with international experts and increase stakeholders‘ engagement.
  3. Inform the textile industry about policy advances and new approaches.
  4. Collect industry feedback about a pressing topic.

The webinar is free of charge. Registration is required for participation. Note that capacity is limited and registration will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.

For questions about the event, please contact Ms. Núria Campmany or Mr. Josep Casamada.


  • 10:00 – Welcome
  • 10:05 – EU Green Deal – opportunities for substitution  of hazardous chemicals: Katarína PIRŠELOVÁ, European Commission
  • 10:15 – LIFE funding for substitution: Manuel Montero, LIFE team EASME
  • 10:25 – Industry view: Dunja Drmac, EURATEX
  • 10:35 – Substitution of chemicals – early warnings, concepts and available tools: TBC
  • 10:45 – ChemSec Tools for substitution: Anna Lennquist, Chemsec
  • 10:55 – LIFE-FLAREX presentation of key results: LIFE-FLAREX team
  • 11:25 – Impact for companies participating in LIFE-FLAREX: TBC
  • 11:35 – Presentations of new projects related to substitution of chemicals of concern relevant to the textile industry (MIDWOR-LIFE: substitution of PFAS, LIFE AskREACH): (TBC) Ioannis Dosis, UBA
  • 11:55 – Wrap up and closing remarks
  • 12:00 – End of the session

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