
Pan-European Access for man. SME on tech. services for clean production through a Network of premier KET Technology Centres with one stop shop access incl. EEN and discourse with policy makers on RIS3

A multi-KET (key enabling technologies) approach is most beneficiary for SME in regard to increase in productivitiy, efficiency and market shares. To enable a Pan-European Access for SME on technology services for clean production, a network of premier KET Technology Centres with facilitated one stop shop access, offering SME multi-ket infrastructures and services across borders on pan-european level is generated, involving innovation consultants from the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) being local = at the doorstep of EU`s manufacturing SMEs.

Due to the disparity of KET TC in EU28, KET4CleanProduction (KET4CP) enables also a discourse with policy makers on RIS3 and the potential of cross-border collaboration to cover specific SME needs for clean production technologies.

KET4CP starts with 12-premier KET TC and 7 EEN as an open innovation ecosystem, with a one stop shop access. KET facilitators support the SME in identifying their specific technology challenge for clean production, proposeservices and technologies based on innovation potential + need analysis. The fast, flexible services focus on the SME´s business case.

After a pilot phase with 20 SME innovation projects/micro grants, the network is scaled up adding 17 KET TC and 21 EEN members, to reach a critical mass of CP technology deployment in SME. Targeted actions stimulate initial requests of >120 SME from > 10 EU MS and a total of 70 SME micro grant projects with min. 140 KET TC. 2 MEUR third party financing go to SME in total. 50 % are targeted for low to modest innovator regions.

KET4CP delivers standard procedures / tools for KET TC transnational collaboration and joint service/shared infrastructure, based on business model scenarios stimulating KET TC to collaborate and share clients.  KET4CP creates a sustainable platform, a win-win situation for all stakeholders with a high potential for scale up. The aim for 2022 is to have 100 KET TC and 180 EEN members with 1000 SME inquiries p.a.

Project Budget: 4’898’510 €

LEITAT Budget: 133’450 €

Financial Framework: Horizon 2020

Contract number: 777441

Start Date: 15/01/2018

End Date: 14/01/2021


Contact Manager: P. Rasera

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777441. This publication reflects only the author’s views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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