Final meeting of CERAMPOL project: Revolutionising wastewater with tailor-made filtration systems

CERAMPOL, a European research project developing new membranes for wastewater purification just had its final meeting in Reading (United Kingdom) in the offices of Johnson Matthey. The consortium presented the final achievements of the hybrid ceramic-polymer membrane, the development of procedures for membrane cleaning, metal recovery and membrane regeneration, the risk assessment, and the fabrication and testing of the demonstrator modules.

The pilot plant installed in the CST was presented thanks to preliminary images made during the launch of the equipment. A final video is being produced to present the project and the pilot plant.

In addition, partners discussed the possible exploitation of some project results and how it could be taken up by industrial partners.

CERAMPOL project is developing a new generation of smart and low-fouling nanostructured membranes based on ceramic and polymeric materials with enhanced affinity to heavy metals and drugs. CERAMPOL contributes to the solution of issues related to waste water in the metallurgic, pharmaceutical and healthcare industries respectively. This involves reducing the concentration of highly toxic contaminants in water supply infrastructure and natural sources such as lakes, rivers, and sea.

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