Sustainable technological innovations for material and energy recycling and recovery

New sizing strategies to improve recovered carbon fibres reinforcement on polymer composite

Last October 26th, members of the Customisize consortium presented a poster at the Sustainable technological innovations for material and energy recycling and recovery, organized by Ecomondo.

The aim of a decoupling between the advisable economic development and the undesirable depletion of planet resources requires a huge effort towards a technical improvement, able to implement new processes to close the cycles in all productive value chains.
A first important European initiative, in line with the new Circular Economy Action Plan, has recently been delivered, in relation to batteries (industrial, automotive, electric vehicle and portable), but the ambitious targets fixed by EU for the next years cover many priority sectors (plastics, packaging, WEEE, textiles, building and construction, food).
This seminar thus intends to show some advanced initiatives of technological innovations which could be applied to different categories of residues, by-products or discards, both industrial and urban, with the aim of improving resources circularity and valorisation.

See the full poster here

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