Smart Island World Congress: various challenges and opportunities up-front

From the 20th-21st of April 2017, the Smart Island World Congress took place in Mallorca and brought together around 1’500 attendees and 95 speakers from around the world. The discussions concentrated on four main topics: New connectivities, talent & economic growth, urban & social development, and island of the future. The challenges that islands face in the world can be different than the ones from the main land. Innovative technologies are needed to respond to these growing challenges.

In order to respond to them and to develop new opportunities, LEITAT is involved in various research and innovation projects dealing with these themes such as stationary energy storage, water treatment with low energy, water management for the tourism industry, solar energy, energy efficiency, and circular economy. In addition, in the field of energy efficiency, LEITAT is performing audits for the implementation of Energy Management Systems based on ISO 50001.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more about LEITAT’s capacities in the field of Smart Islands.

About the Smart Island World Congress: Smart Island World Congress brings together experts from all around the world to explore the opportunities which can arise from the unique challenges that islands face in areas such as efficiency, urban planning and economic and social development in the global era.

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