Review of the nanoSAFE Conference in Grenoble: GUIDEnano tool encounters success!

unnamed From the 7th to the 10th of November, the fifth International conference nanoSAFE took place in Grenoble hosted by the CEA in the MINATEC. GUIDEnano had a strong presence to present its results but especially its interactive online tool for risk assessment of nano-enabled products. GUIDEnano had a stand in the exhibition area, presented 2 posters and 6 oral presentations. On top of that, on the 10th in the morning, the project organised and entire stakeholder workshop inviting industrial and scientific partners to present for the first time the online tool.

During the stakeholder workshop, participants were quite impressed by the capacities of the tool and the fact that it is already available online and fully functioning. After an in-depth presentation about its rationale and structure, two case studies were presented showing the risk assessment capacities of the tool for the environment and for humans. At the end of the workshop, a discussion was launched to get feedback from industrial participants and to have a better insight about their priorities in the field of  nanosafety. This helped the project team to plan better the future of the tool and its capacities to be adopted.

The GUIDEnano project team is now in its final period for finishing the tool until the end of the project in April 2017. If you would like to learn more about this tool, you will have the occasion to see it at the NMSA conference in Malaga, 7-9 February 2017. Registrations are open!


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