Are you a SME?

In order to apply for SME support, it is important to identify those criteria that define which enterprise is considered micro, small and medium size. The SMEs in Europe constitute the 99% of companies, meaning 23 million of SMEs, employing 75 million of people: they are the backbone of the European economy. For this reason, the European Commission offers different financial instruments that help these enterprises to get funding for developing and internationalizing their business.

Let’s get a look on the legal criteria. If you believe you can fulfill the requirements, you will be able to apply for SME support.

  1. Staff Headcount: up to 250
  2. Annual Turnover up to 50 million or Total Annual Balance Sheet up 43 million
EU Commission

In your calculation you should take into account which kind of enterprise you are:

  1. Autonomous enterprise
  2. Partner enterprise: your enterprise holds at least 25%, but no more than 50% in another and/or another holds at least 25%, but no more than 50%, in yours
  3. Linked enterprise: your enterprise holds more than 50% of the shareholders’ or members’ voting rights in another and/or another holds more than 50% in yours.

Therefore, you need to add the same percentage of holding into your headcoun

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