Biogas Reforming and valorisation Through PEM Fuel Cells
Biogas2PEM-FC is an industrial research project that aims to develop, according to participating SMEs needs, the technologies that compose a novel and integrated solution for biogas valorisation through proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEM). Such a solution will provide a modular, reliable, cost-effective and efficient combined heat & power (CHP) system suitable for a distributed, on-site power generation from agricultural wastes. The project objectives are:
- Research for the increase of biogas production yield, using physic-chemical and biological pre-treatment technologies at laboratory scale for enhancing anaerobic digestion effectiveness. After optimization of pre-treatment technologies, different inoculates and co-substrates will be investigated and used in laboratory experiments for maximization of biogas production: high methane and hydrogen content with minimum CO2 and CO production ratio.
- Development and optimization of current biogas reforming technologies: new catalysts for an efficient conversion of biogas to hydrogen.
- Research for the integration of PEM technologies using hydrogen produced from biogas.
- Construction and field tests of a pilot plant located in a selected olive oil mill exploitation.
- Techno-economic and environmental evaluation of power generation using integrated Biogas2PEM-FC
technology. - Dissemination of Biogas2PEM-FC project results for the feasibility demonstration of low cost biogas reforming and power generation
Project Budget: 1’495’040,20 €
LEITAT Budget: 335’000 €
Financial Framework: FP7
Contract number: 314940
Start Date: 01/11/2012
End Date: 31/10/2014

Contact Manager: L. Valentin

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement Nº 314940