Closing the loop for urban material flows
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CityLoops brings together six ambitious European cities to demonstrate a series of innovative tools and urban
planning approaches, aimed at closing the loops of urban material flows and increasing their regenerative capacity.
Demonstration actions will be implemented in relation to construction/demolition waste, including soil, and organic waste. During the inception phase, a circular city scan methodology and indicators will be developed and implemented in each city, by adapting current MFA and Urban Metabolism methods to include context-specific data and challenges, to adjust planned demonstration actions, provide an evaluation framework for the measures and monitor their progress towards a circular economy. A series of further innovative decision support tools will be developed (such as City Lab, a GIS based city planning tool, and a pre-demolition resource-mapping tool) for specific demonstration actions.
In each city, a Local Stakeholder Partnership will be established at project outset, involving citizen groups, businesses communities, and other relevant partners, to guide planning and implementation. In each case, public procurement actions will also be analysed to assess potential supportive measures. As the selected cities are small to medium sized cities (pop. 50,000 – 600,000), Apeldoorn, Bodø, Mikkeli, Porto, Seville and Roskilde/Høje-Taastrup, the tools, approaches and solutions demonstrated should be replicable in a large number of cities across Europe.
Replication is embedded throughout the project. At city level, all demonstration cities will prepare scale-up plans. At a regional level Collaborative Learning Networks will be established, consisting of other municipalities, public bodies, and other relevant regional institutions, to prepare regional upscaling plans. At a European level, a series of Replication Zones will be recruited over the course of the project to prepare replication plans. Guidance on replication will also be produced.
Project Budget: 10’618’296,25€
Leitat Budget: 52’031,25€
Financial Framework: Horizon 2020
Contract number: 821033
Start Date: 01/10/2019
End Date: 30/09/2023

Contact Manager: X. Ponte

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 821033. This publication reflects only the author’s views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.