Developing new anti-microbial solutions for aircraft fuel tanks

MICTEST, a new Clean Sky project, received a grant to tackle the microbially corrosion in aircraft fuel tanks. Aircrafts, that stay for long periods on the ground have a tendency to see microorganism grow in the hydrocarbonwater interphase in fuel tanks. The project, coordinated by Leitat, and counting on the participation of CLH, aims to solve this problem.

In detail, MICTEST will develop new bio-contamination exposure protocols for lab-scale validation of materials, coatings and components for aircraft fuel systems. Anti-microbial or antibiofilm materials and coatings are a promising solution to passively control bio-contamination by preventing the adherence and growth of species to surrounding surfaces. However, methods for assessing antimicrobial materials under industrially-relevant environments are still missing. Studies defining real bio-contamination and key parameters are fundamental, and this is what MICTEST will do.

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