First HYPOSENS Newsletter: developping a system for better detection of breast cancer

Welcome to the first HYPOSENS newsletter! HYPOSENS aims at developing a minimally invasive system for better, faster, simpler and cheaper detection of breast cancer spread to the lymph nodes.


Cancer metastasis is responsible for 90% of cancer related deaths. Breast cancer metastasis is mostly via the lymphatic system, targeting the closest lymphatic nodes which are referred to as the sentinel lymph nodes (SLN). When cancer is diagnosed before cancer cells have spread from the primary tumour to other organs, the patients have a 97% survival chance. Therefore, diagnosing the presence of cancerous cells within the SLN is critical for patient stratification, accurate prognosis and providing optimum treatment plans.


The gold standard is currently an invasive surgical process called the Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy (SLNB) leading to ex vivo analysis.

However, SLNB comes with several drawbacks:

  • Invasive surgery
  • Possible allergic reaction to the blue dye
  • High level clinicians required to perform SLNB diagnosis
  • Long-waiting time for test results: impact on patient anxiety
  • False negatives
  • Expensive


  • 9 members representing technological and research centres, universities, engineering SMEs, technology transfer consultancy companies and regulatory centres
  • 5 countries: Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, Israel and Belgium
  • Knowledge areas: biomedicine, biotechnology, materials, physics, optic and electronic systems


NEWS: HYPOSENS in Healthio Conference

The HYPOSENS project has already been successfully presented at Healthio conference held in Barcelona from May 3rd to 5th, where it attracted the attention from health companies, patients and innovative companies.

Contact: Martina Passarello (LEITAT). Find out more at or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information you may need!


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