GUIDEnano: 2nd Newsletter published! v2 of the Tool released

GUIDEnano Tool v2 has been released on the 1st of May 2016! This is a major milestone in the project execution and shows that partners are working together with a clear common goal. In addition to the prediction modules on release, exposure, and environmental fate, this version features refined modules thanks to a strong expert feedback. Hypothesis-driven-experiments and new data from other projects were integrated in order to offer a Tool more adapted to the market needs expressed by the industrial partners.

Click here to download the entire newsletter!

Now, industrial partners from GUIDEnano will start the validation process of GUIDEnano Tool v2 with the GUIDEnano 8 case studies: Anti-fouling paints for ships, anti-slip ceramic tiles, coatings for food packaging, antimicrobial fabrics, hot bituminous mixtures, self cleaning agents, polymers for fuel system components, and ENM for soil remediation applications.

The goal now is to go towards the third version of the GUIDEnano Tool that will be released near the end of the project being April 2017. Stakeholders such as industries, regulators, insurance companies and consumers will be more deeply involved in the design of the tool and their opinion will be integrated in order to assure that the Tool meets the expected demands.

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