Meet us at EIT Health Bilateral Meeting in Barcelona

On the 27th and 28th of June, EIT Health organises a bilateral meeting in Barcelona between France and Spain. If you would like to meet us there, contact us and we would be glad to chat with you!

This event aims to boost innovation with the right EIT Health French know-how, to gain new opportunities and competitive advantages through collaborations in R&D. Attending this B2B event will provide easy access to scientists and enterprises actively engaged in EIT Health’s innovation areas.

Aim of the meeting

To share information on the Horizon2020, Interreg and other funding schemes
Face-2-face meetings between potential partners for funding calls.
Face-2-face strategic meetings between partners (by request)

How does it work?

Register and publish your collaboration wishes
Browse the participant list and book meetings with participants you are interested in.
Prepare your pitch and ask for an slot (contact your node)
Before the event you will receive your meeting schedule

Why participate

Showcase your projects, infrastructure, products and know-how
Initiate cross-border contacts and co-operations
Find new commercial/technological/research partners
Present, discuss and develop new project opportunities

Provisional Programme

Monday June 27th

13:00 Inscriptions, registration & lunch.
15:00 Welcome Jordi Alberch, Vicerector for Reasearch, Innovation and Transfer of the University of Barcelona
15:05 Welcome Marco Pugliese, Director of the EIT Health CLC Spain
15:10 Welcome Jason Theodosiu, Director of the EIT Health CLC France
15:15 Presentation of Spanish Node, Marco Pugliese
15:30 Presentation of French Node, Jason Theodosiou
15:45 Pitch elevators (2′ each + 3 slides)
16:45 Coffee Break
17:00 Pitch elevators (2′ each + 3 slides)
18:30 Interregional cooperation and other actions (TBC)
19:00 Dinner & networking.

Tuesday June 28th (during the whole day, a room for strategic meetings will be available under request, please contact your node to arrange it).

08.45 Registration
09.00 Welcome Marco Pugliese, Director of the EIT Health CLC Spain
09:15 New funding opportunities for health projects in Horizon 2020 projects Gloria Villar, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
11:00 Coffee Break + GENERAL Assambley EIT Health (WIFI & support will be provide, each participant should bring his/her own laptop, headphones & micro)
12:00 Speed networking session
13:00 Lunch & Networking
14:00 Speed networking sessions
16:00 Closure, Marco Pugliese & Jason Theodosiou.

Últimes notícies
