Integration of Novel NANOparticle based technology for THERapeutics and diagnosi of different types of cancer
Nanother aims to successfully transform polymer nanomaterials into nanocarriers via biofunctionalisation (the linking of antibodies & ligands for detection), the binding of tumour cells, and the linking, delivery and release of therapeutic agents to treat the targeted tumour cells.
Nanother aims to select the best nanocarriers throughout the project by rigorously testing toxicity, biocompatibility, efficacy and biodistribution as an integral part of the selection process in order to continue developing only the most efficient, biocompatible and least toxic nanoparticles. The nanocarriers selected will be further developed and scaled-up, giving future exploitable nanoproducts.
Nanother intersects biomedical, health and nano industries, and R&D sits at the interface of chemical, biological and physical sciences and engineering. The main Nanother objective is therefore based on the integration of 5 key elements of current technology:
- Nanoparticle functionalisation technology
- Contrast agent & specific antibody diagnostic techniques & imaging equipment
- Novel drug-delivery & activation systems
- New uses for electromagnetic based technology and medical equipment
- Another important innovation is RNAi technology, and the objective is to investigate the successful formulation and application of nanocarriers including siRNA as the therapeutic agent.
Project Budget: 11’539’075,07 €
LEITAT Budget: 536’850 €
Financial Framework: FP7
Contract number: 213631
Start Date: 01/09/2008
End Date: 31/08/2012

Contact Manager: A. Satti