Biobased and biodegradable antifouling paints for marine applications



The objective of NAUTILUS is to develop and verify the behaviour of a new biobased and biodegradable antifouling paints for marine application and evaluate the environmental impact of them at ecosystem level. NAUTILUS will mitigate marine pollution and the recognition of marine biodiversity as a key factor for the future as stated in the Spanish Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023. To achieve this goal, a series of complementary strategies will be followed and organized in four different lines of action: i) the eco-design of new biodegradable antifouling paints, ii) study the biodegradability of the new biodegradable antifouling paints following a multi-step approach, under controlled conditions and open sea, iii) assess the contribution of antifouling paints to marine debris and the study of transformation products, and iv) evaluate the impact on marine biota.

The project results will be of relevance in future product development phase of green solutions capable to reduce the use of fossil-based resources and to biodegrade at the end of their life cycle. 

NAUTILUS consortium is composed of a balanced and interdisciplinary mix of two industrial partners (ERCROS and HEMPEL), a technological center (Leitat) and a public research organism (IDAEA-CSIC). This consortium brings together environmental scientists, (eco) toxicologists, biologists, and analytical/material chemists, and the interdisciplinary research team required to face this complex environmental problem and its resonance in the society.



Project Budget: 678.909,70 €     

LEITAT Budget: 195.001,70 €                              

Financial Framework: Proyectos de Colaboración público-privada 2021 

Contract number: CPP2021-008466                                                       

Start Date: 01/09/2022

End Date: 31/08/2025





Project CPP2021-008466 funded by:

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