Next Generation Nano-engineered Thermoelectric Converters


The objective is to use nanotechnology to improve the component materials of TE devices (thermoelectric device) in order to make cost-effective mass production of these devices. Therefore, this project will allow new processing steps in the module /device materials that could be verified at the industry. Based on the identified applications and materials, the current module/device technology will also be developed during the project. As a result, the novelty exists in the whole concept of materials, module/device concept, and the application concept, making this project a comprehensive effort in the field of ET.  The project concerns the application of modern principle of nanotechnology for the design and creation of new materials with improved properties TE architectures.

Project Budget: 6’339’779 €

LEITAT Budget: 539’800 €

Financial Framework: FP7

Contract number: 263167

Start Date: 01/06/2011

End Date: 31/05/2014


Contact Manager: V. Jamier

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement Nº 263167

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