PIVAX Project
Design of a new vaccine against an infectious disease
The main objective of PIVAX project is to develop a vaccine against infectious disease in pigs to provide new tools to the animal health industry. The project is led by HIPRA, a large company dedicated to the research, production and commercialisation of products, especially biological products, for animal and human health and has the participation of Leitat. Leitat is a Technological entity that creates and transfers sustainable Social, Environmental, Economic and Industrial value to entities, through research and technological processes.
During the project execution, structured in 4 technical work packages, HIPRA and Leitat will join forces for the development of said vaccine using highly innovative approaches. The consortium has been set up considering specialisation in its field of activity and complementarity of both entities involved.
Total Project budget: 889.650,29€
Funded by Public institutions: 409.095,95€
LEITAT Budget: 341.596,00 €
Financial Framework: Proyectos en colaboración público-privada 2021
Start Date: 01/03/2022
End Date: 28/02/2025
Contract number: CPP2021-008589

Proyecto CPP2021-008589 financiado