Decision support system to soil bioremediation, irrigation and fertilization based on bigdata analysis to climate change adaptation.



The RESIFIELD project aims to address the resilience of productive agriculture to climate change, and to do this, in line with European guidelines, it wants to promote new ways of providing nutrients and crops improvers to agricultural soils. The quality of the crop will be improved by studying novel biofertilization methods based on algae, which will be compared with current fertilization systems to quantitatively quantify soil improvement.

Moreover, it is intended to obtain an informational layer generated from the analysis of big soil data using artificial intelligence. The objective is the implementation of an objective system with predictive capabilities for assistance to decision-making against the climate change scenario. To do this, the project will work on obtaining effective data about soil quality through IoT sensor networks and the creation of new NPK photonic sensor and the comparison of its results with current soil analysis reference systems. In addition, the necessary architecture for data ingestion, storage, management and visualization will be implemented.

Sensor networks offer specific data from the measurement points, but for obtain information over all agricultural surface, it is necessary to design and develop AI algorithms that analyse the specific data and extrapolate it to the entire crop area, considering its orography, environmental conditions and water sources, etc. The development of AI algorithms and data analytics will be carried out and finally, three technological validation demonstrators will be executed both in the field of soil improvement (biofertilizer) and in the field of systems decision support with digital information on the state of agricultural soils. The 3 pilot campaigns will be carried out coinciding with the annual planting-harvesting process.

It is expected that at the end of the project, improvements in biofertilization and in decision support systems for crop and fields will offer a combination of adaptation and resilience tools to fight against a climate change. A transfer of knowledge between research centers and companies involved in the project, it is expected during the generation of a decision-making tool that helps farmers and authorities to target the use of water resources and fertilizers and also maximizes the results of agricultural production.

Finally, the exploitation of new biofertilizers and digital tools will serve to create value in agri-food products, being of better quality and safety, and to be able to access markets with high added value. With this strategy, the aim is to improve the productive and commercial sustainability of the sector during a particularly difficult time worldwide


Project Budget: 365.747,54 €

LEITAT Budget: 107.039,15 €

Financial Framework: Proyectos de Colaboración público-privada 2021

Contract number: CPP2021-008811

Start Date: 01/12/2022

End Date: 30/11/2025 





Project CPP2021-008811 funded by:

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