STable high-capacity lithium-Air Batteries with Long cycle life for Electric cars
Electric car is considered as the most promising technical solution for automotive transports in 21st century since the use of electric energy will not only slow down the consumption of petroleum resources but also contribute to the reduction of emission of carbon dioxide and toxic air pollutants. With stricter environmental regulations, for example, due to the “Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE)” regulation in Europe, the CO2 emission of cars has to be lower than 130 g/km. Automobile manufacturers are now urged to produce electric or hybrid vehicles.
Due to their high energy density, lithium ion batteries are being considered to meet the above mentioned demands. Many studies on lithium ion battery including materials and technologies have been carried out and improved greatly the electrochemical performance, safety and lifecycle of lithium ion batteries, which have promoted the commercial applications for EVs of these batteries. However, most car manufacturers would agree that lithium ion technology is still not satisfactory for long distance electric vehicle (EV) use due to their heavy weight, high cost and most importantly, their limited capacity. In these years, worldwide attentions have been turned to the extremely high density and high capacity battery (compared to any other rechargeable batteries) — such as lithium air batteries. It is generally considered that the lithium air battery will be the best alternative to the lithium ion battery in the future.
In this project, a multi disciplinary expert work team in materials synthesis and characterization, simulation and modeling, cells assembly and test will cooperate to carry out a joint research with the aim of developing innovative materials and technologies for EVs with the best performances and at the lowest possible cost in laboratory scale. This project contains innovations in the battery anode, battery cathode, battery electrolyte, simulation and modeling, assembly of battery cells and life cycle assessment etc.
Project Budget: 3’414’380,80 €
LEITAT Budget: 520’346,40 €
Financial Framework: FP7
Contract number: 314508
Start Date: 01/09/2012
End Date: 31/08/2015

Contact Manager: V. Jamier
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement Nº 314508