Meet us at the H2020 Health Brokerage Event in Zagreb

Health, Demographic Change & Wellbeing challenge in Horizon 2020

Do you intend to prepare a proposal for the challenge in Horizon 2020?

Are you looking for some partners to match your project? Are you offering material/services supporting medical research in the framework of a European collaborative project?

Get involved in the next H2020 Health proposals!

The European action Health NCP Net 2.0 and Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments, member of Enterprise Europe Network, are holding the next Horizon 2020 Health Brokerage Event in Zagreb.

If you want to meet our health funding programmes expert, get in touch!

Why participate?

  • Get information on the new Horizon 2020 « Health, Demographic change and Wellbeing » 2017 calls
  • Get the chance to present your innovative project to the participants
  • Meet potential partners from Europe and beyond and start building your consortium

Target audience

Large companies and SMEs, universities, research organisations and patients associations from Europe and beyond are highly encouraged to participate.

Click here for registration and more information

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