Latest SME Instrument Results: European Commission to Invest €90 Million in 65 Innovative Businesses

The European Commission will invest a total of €90 million coming from new Horizon 2020 grants in 65 innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from 18 countries. Each project, 56 in total, will receive up to €2.5 million (€5 million for health projects) to finance innovation activities in this latest round of Horizon2020 SME Instrument Phase 2.

Phase 2 Results
SMEs funded by Country

Spanish SMEs were the most successful with 19 companies who will receive €20.6 million in total. They are followed by 7 Italian SMEs who will share €8.6 million and 6 German SMEs that will get €7.7 million to share. Most projects are in the field of ICT with 12 proposals funded, followed by 9 in the field of transport and 7 in low carbon energy efficient systems.

The European Commission received 1,167 project proposals by 15 June 2016, the third cut-off date for Phase 2 in 2016. So far, 529 SMEs have received funding under Phase 2 of the SME Instrument.

Thanks to the funding, the selected SMEs can finance innovation activities like demonstration, testing, piloting, scaling up, and miniaturisation, in addition to developing a mature business plan for their product. The companies involved in the projects will also benefit from 12 days of business coaching.

The next cut-off for SME Instrument Phase 2 is 13 October 2016.

Since its launch in 2014, the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument scheme has continuously grown to attract an ever-increasing number of highly innovative companies. In two years, 19,320 proposals have been received, and 1,443 projects have been funded for a total amount of €527 million.

More information

Press contact

EC Spokesperson for Research, Science, and Innovation

Source: EC website

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