5 ways to save energy this 2017 (EASME recommendations)

Starting 2017 there’s still time to set up some New Year’s resolutions. See how the projects of the EASME are trying to help households, start-ups, and industries among others, to save energy this year.

The EASME gathered five tips that could help you reduce your energy bills, shift to more energy-conscious behaviour, or even get your household, business or city be more energy efficient.

1.Manage your energy consumption at home and at work

Would you like to have an app on your phone or tablet that helps you save energy and control your household consumption? PEAKapp is trying to make this possible!

This innovative app will enable energy retailers to forward low-price, green, low-carbon energy from the spot market to households.

Follow them on Twitter: @PEAKapp_EU

Did you know that by making low- and no-cost changes you could readily reduce energy consumption and costs by 10% in your office? START2ACT helps young SMEs and startups to save energy and cut costs at work by introducing simple, yet effective, energy efficiency measures into their daily routines.

Follow them on Twitter: @START2ACT

2.Play sports in energy-efficient buildings

In Europe, sports facilities represent 8% of the overall building stock. Can you imagine what this represents in terms of energy usage? The Step2Sport project supports the refurbishment of sport buildings towards Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) focusing on energy efficiency and renewable energy use.

Follow them on Twitter: @step2sport

3.Recover heat in industries

Large quantities of heat are wasted continuously by industries. Most of this waste energy, however, is of low-quality and it is not practical or economical to recover it with current technologies. The Indus3Es project is developing an innovative technology focused on low-temperature waste heat recovery. Their final goal is to reduce primary energy consumption of the industry.

4.Go on holiday to a Nearly Zero Energy Hotel

Nearly Zero Energy Hotels is helping hotels in Europe to become more energy efficient and achieve Nearly Zero energy targets. Hotels joining this initiative show how the hospitality sector can reduce greenhouse gases and the energy consumption of its buildings.

See the 16 pilot hotels that have taken action!

5.Learn more about energy efficiency

Would you like to benchmark your city’s or public authority’s public buildings? Would you like to be part of a knowledge-sharing network where you can find the best practices regarding energy efficiency?

The Energy Data Innovation Network (EDI-Net) is working on this! The initiative can help you use information to engage with decision-makers, finance managers, and building users in order to improve a city’s sustainable energy and water management.

Image credit: © iStock.com Diane Labombarbe

Source of this article: EASME – Executive Agency for SMEs


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