SMARTGAZE II Sistema de movilidad autónoma y segura para personas con baja visión en entornos urbanos. ABSTRACT Biel Glasses ha
SMARTGAZE II Sistema de movilidad autónoma y segura para personas con baja visión en entornos urbanos. ABSTRACT Biel Glasses ha
• El proyecto permite incorporar aditivos líquidos a los polímeros utilizados en las distintas tecnologías de impresión 3D y soporta
ZoonDx project ZoonDx Development of immunologic diagnostic tools for the detection of zoonotic pathogens in humans, companion and farm animals.
TEAMS project TEAMS Testing Antibodies in Multiple Sclerosis ABSTRACT This project stems from an urgent need of novel therapies in
PIVAX Project PIVAX Design of a new vaccine against an infectious disease ABSTRACT The main objective of PIVAX project is
ONCO_IVD PROJECT ONCO_IVD Point-of-care (PoC) in vitro diagnostic device for the screening of colorectal cancer using tumour derived extracellular vesicles
OASIS PROJECT OASIS Multidisciplinary approach for the development of Artificial Intelligence tools to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of OsteoArthritis
LKBL208 LKBL208 Tratamiento dirigido del cáncer de mama triple negativo con un nuevo antagonista oral del receptor de serotonina 1B
iDIABETES Project iDIABETES New digital tools for remote, non-invasive and continuous diagnosis for chronic diabetic patients ABSTRACT As it is
Colaboración publico-privada para el diagnóstico del cáncer basado en biopsia líquida e Inteligencia Artificial Flomics Biotech, en colaboración con el
Investiguen la regeneració marina a partir de residus industrials • El projecte SEASLAG aportarà solucions per combatre la disminució de
Final meeting of the SMARTinFOOD project On the 1st of February, we had the Final meeting of the SMARTinFOOD project.
Podcast about Nanomaterials with Dr Socorro Vázquez-Campos Listen to the latest podcast about Nanomaterials with Dr Socorro Vázquez-Campos who is
The sustainable airplane seat of the HAIRMATE project scores the most demanding frontal 10G crash test The European HAIRMATE project,
Are electric cars the future? Is it worth buying a hybrid car? Are electric cars the future? Is it worth
Projecte GO DIIANA Recentment s’ha iniciat el projecte GO DIIANA que té per títol “Desenvolupament d’una cadena de valor circular
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