HEATERNAL kick off meeting
The innovative High tEmperAture ThErmal stoRage for iNdustrial AppLications project ambition is to propose a viable decarbonization solution using short-term thermal energy storage (up-to 48-hours) that enables the replacement of fossil fuels by industrial waste-heat and renewable electricity. The prototype and model of new thermal energy storage concept will be based on three industrial uses cases from aluminum, ceramic, and steel industries.
The European funded project combines strong scientific and industrial know-how from 11 partners (4 countries), with an overall budget of 3 465 163.75 euros from May 2023 to October 2026 (42 months).
The Consortium is a strong partnership of 3 leading European research centers (RTOs), 1 university, as well as, 7 private companies, including 3 SMEs. It covers the full innovation chain and the most important elements of the value-chain: end-users and process engineering. The consortium expertise combines prototyping and modelling of thermal systems, phase-change materials and 3D-printing; Metals and ceramic manufacturing, process engineering & equipment; LCA & technico-economic analysis; and dissemination & communication.
Leitat provides a unique insight in advanced materials, system, and production methods, by contributing to the project with:
– The pre-selection of existing refractory material (from 3D printing point of view);
– Provide design space and constraints based on 3D printing requirement;
– Develop small-scale 3D printed TES Unit prototype.
Ultimately, the project will open a new way for high temperature heat storage for industrial applications. Industrial heat storage will increase energy efficiency for climate stabilization and cleaner air while preventing energy poverty and ensuring access to clean renewable energy.