Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems
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The BeHealSy PhD program is designed to raise a new generation of student-entrepreneurs able to lead and create new devices and services for a healthier Europe. This program combines strong scientific education, entrepreneurship training, learning-by-doing pedagogy and mobility schemes. The consortium, made by nine biomedical engineering universities and several industrial partners, will train PhD students in innovation and entrepreneurship skills applied to the leveraging of new technology.
The project is a collaboration between EIT Health academic and non-academic partners to create a new generation of doctoral students in engineering, with multidisciplinary research skills in health systems and capable of translating research outcomes into innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives. A strong unique curriculum jointly offered by industry and universities addresses the need for personalised solutions on all levels from the cellular through organismic to systemic to be introduced. The BEHealSy programme is based on the solid ground of 2 EIT-Health funded programs: CEMACUBE, formed by 6 universities to train students in innovation and entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering, and MTIH, which builds on the programmes of 5 universities to offer a federation of Master programmes in Biomedical and Health Engineering.
Graduates from these and other degrees providing exposure to training in a non-academic seting will be further trained in applying innovation and entrepreneurship skills to the research of personalised healthcare solutions at participating universities and industrial partners.
Project Budget: 169.875 €
LEITAT Budget: 10.000 €
Financial Framework: EIT
Contract number: 19021
Start Date: 01/01/2019
End Date: 31/12/2019

Contact Manager: M. Passarello

EIT Health is supported by the EIT, a body of the European Union.