EUREKA Consortium Building Event in Barcelona: 18 May 2017

Eureka Innovation WeekBarcelona Consortium Building Event – Thursday 18 May 2017 from 14:00 to 16:00

EURIPIDES² and PENTA are pleased to invite you to submit your proposal and find prospective partners for future consortia.

Your presentation file must be emailed by **Tuesday 18th April, 2017** to:



Presentation slots are LIMITED, so please submit your proposal as soon as possible!

  • Pitch your proposal and find partners! You’ll have 10 minutes to pitch your company, explain your innovative proposal, and find partners.
  • Network with proposers and experts! Around 1,000 delegates will attend the innovation week. Network with companies from Spain, Europe, Canada, and South Korea.
  • Meet funding representatives from national governments! Discuss with representatives from national governments about funding opportunities for your proposal.

The Consortium Building Day is co-located with the **Open EUREKA Innovation Week 2017**, organized and hosted by the Spanish EUREKA Chairmanship, at the **CCIB – Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona**. Both events are free of charge.

We look forward to seeing you in the Smart City of Barcelona!

More information on the **Open EUREKA Innovation Week 2017** (15-19 May in Barcelona) is available here.

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