Help test GUIDEnano risk-governance model by joining a user testing session

caLIBRAte will establish a versatile next-generation nano-risk governance framework for assessment and management of human and environmental risks of manufactured nanomaterials (MN) and MNenabled products. The framework will be founded on thoroughly tested models and stakeholder needs. The goal is that the quality and trust in the caLIBRAte nano-risk governance framework models will exceed the current level of most existing REACH tools.

The caLIBRAte framework will link different nano-specific models and methods into a system-ofsystems (SoS), which companies, developers and authorities can use for risk assessment, prioritisation and management of occupational, consumer and environmental risks associated with production and use of MN or products containing MNs. The framework models will be aligned to support decisions along the research and innovation value chain, from basic research to market launch.

Join a user testing session

Are you involved in activities concerning R&D, production, marketing, use, risk assessment and management, inspection, insurance of nanomaterials and nano-related products? Get involved
and test one of the following models: Nanosafer CB, Control Banding nanotool, Stoffenmanager Nano, GUIDEnano, LICARA nanoscan, SimpleBox4Nano, (SB4N), Precautionary Matrix, SUNDs

The GUIDEnano session will take place on the 22nd of February. Register HERE and you will then receive more information.

Testing methods

  • Individual remote session: receive guidance by a caLIBRAte expert, use the models in your daily work, and provide feedback on-line
  • Webinar: 60 to 90 minutes on-line presentation and interactive discussion session on specific models
  • Workshop: half-day event, including training on risk governance and the models, and in-depth testing on selected case studies

You are welcome to ask for assistance to our experts to run in the models your own case study
and data.

Giving feedback on the models
If you have already tested or used on of the models we will be pleased to have your feedback to improve the models on the the questionnaire available in the webpage (Click HERE)

Next steps
Testing sessions will be held in the period February to March 2018. Check the applications of the model, and test session planning, and pre-register online to indicate your interest for a specific session. We will keep you informed on the final schedule and agenda of the events. More Info: Contact Andrea Porcari on for full details of the risk governance model testing and how to get involved.

More information HERE

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