From the 3rd to the 6th of September 2017, the Life Cycle Management Conference took place in Luxembourg. The Life Cycle Management conference series is the leading forum worldwide bringing together 600+ scholars and practitioners from 40+ countries working in industry, academia and public institutions in the domain of life cycle sustainability and circular economy. It takes place every second year, each time organised by a leading research institution and industry in the domain.
During this event, Leitat presented various poster and one being from the IbD project.
The poster presented entitled “LCM as a tool to calculate the environmental performance of the intensification of pharmaceutical processes” was presented in the session Using LCM to create shared value through healthcare and pharmaceutical supply chains.
The Intensified-by-Design (IbD) Project has created a holistic platform for facilitating process intensification design and optimization in processes in which solids are an intrinsic part. The project has developed and upgraded methods for the handling of solids in continuous production units based, on the one hand, in the intensification of currently existing processes and, on the other hand, through completely new approaches to the processing of solids. IbD is the new paradigm in the intensification of processes based on statistical, analytical and risk management methodologies in the design, development and manufacturing of high quality safe and tailored chemicals, pharmaceuticals, minerals, ceramics, etc. under intensified processes.