iReceptor Plus to Offer Tools for Sharing antibody and T-cell Receptor Sequencing Data from COVID-19 Patients

The international consortium, together with the AIRR Community, is now in the process of mapping the different initiatives producing data in the context of Coronavirus, to facilitate sharing data with laboratories and health institutions.

The international iReceptor Plus consortium is offering the technology tools and infrastructure developed within the EU-funded project, to facilitate the sharing and analyses of antibody and T-cell receptor sequencing (AIRR-seq) data from COVID-19 patients as soon as these data become available.

The iReceptor Plus project is currently building a technological platform with accompanying bioinformatics and machine learning tools to facilitate sharing and joint research of specific immunological data for the purpose of basic research as well as developing new therapeutics and vaccines for infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases and cancer. Among others, the iReceptor Plus Platfrom is at the stage where it is ready to incorporate data and be used by its industrial partner 10x Genomics.

Additionally, the iReceptor Plus project works in close coordination with the Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire (AIRR) Community. The AIRR Community published a call for increased data sharing in response to the coronavirus pandemic and is establishing a task force to coordinate the COVID-19 related actions within the community.

Together with the AIRR Community, iReceptor Plus is now in the process of mapping the different efforts in producing AIRR-seq data in the context of COVID-19. The aim is to approach the companies and research groups that are producing the data and offer full support in making it publicly available. Rapid sharing of these data across laboratories and institutions through the AIRR Data Commons, accessible through the iReceptor Gateway, is critical to the search for anti-COVID-19 therapeutics and vaccines.

The consortium is reaching out to all groups that produce COVID-19 related AIRR-seq data and offering full support for anyone who has such data, throughout the process of curating the data and depositing them on the dedicated COVID-19 iReceptor Plus node or assisting these groups to curate, store and share their data as part of the AIRR Data Commons using the iReceptor Plus Turnkey repository software.

“This work clearly falls within the mandate of the project and all consortium members are stepping up its pace to take part in the global effort to find treatment and preventative care for this new disease,” said Prof. Felix Breden, iReceptor Plus scientific manager.

“We at the iReceptor Plus project are looking for new ways to collect and share any data that would enable the scientific community fight this horrible pandemic,”

Gur Yaari, Associate Professor at the Bar-Ilan University, who is the Coordinator of the iReceptor Plus Project concluded.

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