GUIDEnano: A Tool for the Risk Assessment of nano-enabled products at Nanosafe 2016

Do you want to see the latest version of the GUIDEnano Tool?

On Thursday 10th of November 2016, GUIDEnano will organise a Stakeholder workshop during the 5th Nanosafe International Conference in Grenoble from 8h-12h in the morning.

Click here to download the agenda.


The workshop will take place in the same building as the Nanosafe 2016 conference, being the Minatec. If you wish to only attend this workshop, please register here.


You will be able to attend the workshop without participating into the conference.


GUIDEnano project’s main objective is to develop a web-based guidance Tool that helps the nano-enabled product developers and users to design and apply the most appropriate risk assessment and mitigation strategies for the safety assessment of these products. The tool guides the user through the entire life cycle of the nano-enabled product to provide the most precise insight that can be reached today on the potential risks entailed by nano-enabled products.


This workshop will focus on the presentation of GUIDEnano Tool v2 to stakeholders: showing all the parameters, modules and data sources as the basis for evaluating risks associated to nano-enabled products along their life cycle. The workshop is especially relevant for industrials working with nano-enabled products interested in a risk-assessment tool to assess the risks associated with their products, including proposals for their mitigation (risk mitigation strategies).


GUIDEnano, a project funded from the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreement nº 604387.


If you will attend the Nanosafe conference, please indicate in the registration form that you will join the GUIDEnano Satellite meeting.


The International Conference is titled ‘Health and Safety Issues Related to Nanomaterials for a Socially Responsible Approach’ and will be held on 7th to 10th November. The conference programme is set to include a combination of invited plenary lectures, panel discussions and poster sessions among others.


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