ALGAESOL’s Kick-Off Meeting: Advancing Sunlight-to-Fuel Technologies in Bergen

On July 2-3, 2024, the ALGAESOL project consortium, consisting of seven partners, gathered at NORCE in Bergen, Norway, to align project goals and initiate activities for sustainable sunlight-to-fuel technologies.

The meeting covered key topics such as defining biofuel requirements and specifications, setting the foundation for project developments, and exploring advancements in solar-based and microalgae-based fuel conversion processes. Purification methods, sustainability modeling, and dissemination strategies were outlined, while discussions on the interdependencies between solar and microalgae-based approaches emphasized a collaborative and integrated workflow. A dedicated session focused on optimizing microalgae systems, laying the groundwork for future milestones.

The second day centered on operational aspects, including project management, financial strategies, and data governance. A key phase was launched to develop sustainability models and scale-up strategies, reinforcing ALGAESOL’s contribution to the European Green Deal. The sessions concluded with governance discussions and a Project Management Committee meeting.

Leitat actively participated in the meeting by presenting its role and team members, introducing key areas of involvement. As WP2 leader, Ainhoa Cots provided an overview of the Direct Solar-Based Conversion Route, aimed at developing photoelectrochemical (P-EC) and photobioelectrochemical (P-BE) systems to convert CO₂ and sunlight into aviation and shipping fuels. A breakout session explored synergies between WP2 and WP3, focusing on integrating photoanodes and solar concentrators with photobioelectrochemical microalgae (P-BE-MA) systems and utilizing residual organic streams for a zero-waste approach.

Beyond the working sessions, the consortium visited the Algaepilot plant and the Technology Center Mongstad (TCM), a leading facility for CO₂ capture technologies. Participants also enjoyed a scenic ferry trip through Norway’s fjords and shared insights during a social dinner at Bryggeloftet Restaurant.

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