The PRINT4PACK project is entitled “Low cost integrated autonomous RF temperature sensors for food packaging.” The project coordinator is CHIMIGRAF IBÉRICA SL (Catalan industry), a company focused on high-quality production, distribution, and sales of water, solvent, and UV Inkjet-based inks for Flexography, Rotogravure, and Digital Systems. The partnership is composed of Zettlex (UK SME), Plasto-sac (Israel industry), Enplater (Catalan SME), and LEITAT Technological Center (Catalan research organisation).
The objective is to develop a new technique which can be used for low-cost, radio frequency (RF) sensing. The main target is temperature sensing and logging for chilled, frozen, and fresh food. The technology comprises a printed temperature sensor, printed power supply (supercapacitor), and printed RFID antenna coupled with very low-cost chips. The project also includes the development of suitable polymer substrates with appropriate properties for high-speed/high-precision printing. The main targeted innovation is the combination of very low-cost, high-precision, high-productivity gravure printing of temperature sensors, supercapacitors as energy storage devices, and RFID antennas integrated to SoC IC for food packaging applications to ensure scalability for the industries.
PRINT4PACK partners during the 2nd consortium meeting at LEITAT facilities (2013-11-28)