NOSHAN video published! Use food waste for feed production at low cost

NOSHAN is a project funded by the European Commission that has investigated the process and technologies needed to use food waste for feed production at low cost, low energy consumption and with maximal valorisation of starting wastes.


NOSHAN investigates the process and technologies needed to use food waste for feed production at low cost, low energy consumption and with maximal valorisation of starting wastes.

Nutritional value and functionality according to animal needs as well as safety and quality issues will be investigated and addressed as main leading factors for the feed production using food derived (fruit/vegetable/plant and dairy).

The achievement of the project objectives and results would bring companies a competitive advantage in the feed producing sector using wastes as co-streams. NOSHAN results should bring a reduction in cost of the final feed as well as production cost. Indeed it could also reduce the cost of feed additive and exert a positive impact on final feed product.

NOSHAN consortium enforces the cooperation among SMEs, large industrial partners and research institutions.

NOSHAN started in August 2012 and it is financed under the Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) theme, part of the EU Seventh-Framework Programme, in a total of about 3 million Euro.

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