Open Webinar: Empowering People with Mild Cognitive Impairment

The final event for the EIT Health project INFINITy will take place the 26th of June in an online format.

INFINITy is an intelligent system to empower functional independence of people with mild cognitive impairments (MCI). This project integrates a set of mature technologies with the objective to facilitate the identification of daily living activities and to provide support safeguarding the independence and quality of life of MCI patients.

All partners involved in this project have been working for 18 months to integrate this mature technological ICT solutions into a commercial product and are proud to present their results in this webinar.

If you want to know more about this project, what have their results been and/or ask questions directly to some of the partners involved, please join us on the 26th June for this exciting webinar.

Information about the webinar:

  • When: 26th June 2020 11-12h CEST.
  • Where: online – the link to the webinar will be sent 1 day in advance.
  • Language: English, with simultaneous Spanish translation. Attendees will be able to choose language at the beginning of the webinar.
  • Agenda:
    • Introduction to the INFINITy project
    • Results of the INFINITy study
    • Lessons learnt and best practices
    • Towards the market uptake
    • Q&A session

The days following the webinar a series of B2B meetings will be held with all those companies interested in the commercial product. Please, let us know in the registration form if you would be interested in participating in one of those meetings and we will set it up.

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