New organic printable materials for large scale/low cost integrated RF systems onto automotive elements.
The ORF4AUTO project has focused on developing printable conductor inks (both purely organic, and metallic nanoparticle based with organic coating) and applicable printing technology to be applied to current automotive antenna and telematic products. The conclusion of this project has created the first telematic unit with a functional antenna printed directly on its plastic enclosure, leading the path for a new generation of automotive communications antennas.
To reach this point, ORF4AUTO has advanced in both the synthesis and printing techniques of organic and nano-particle based inks, investigated in the context of seeking the optimal ink configuration for printing an antenna and passive components directly on plastic.
Combining these technologies has presented the industrial opportunity, if proven economically viable, to increase added value and competitiveness to current product designs by allowing smaller PCBs (hence overall size) in telematic devices, yet potentially yielding a high gain from printed antennas, by taking advantage of the larger enclosure area.
This research has been applied to an existing telematic product; however this technology can be applied to numerous automotive communications applications, as well as other industries.
Project Budget: 1’330’000 €
LEITAT Budget: 704’061 €
Financial Framework: ERA-NET
Contract number: RDNET12-2-2009
Start Date: 03/12/2012
End Date: 03/12/2014

Contact Manager: M. Domper

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration and from ACCIÓ – Generalitat de Catalunya.