RESSEEPE video published! Enhancement of Energy Efficiency in Public Edification

RESEEPE will bring together design and decision making tools, innovative building fabric manufacturers and a strong demonstration programme to demonstrate the improved building performance through retrofitting.

The core idea of the RESSEEPE project is to technically advance, adapt, demonstrate and assess a number of innovative retrofit technologies. Reductions in the area of 50% will be achieved in terms of energy consumption.

Although the energy consumption in Europe is expected to rise only moderately in the next 20 years, the Energy Efficiency Buildings European Initiative has the objective to mitigate this problem by aiming for a reduction of 165 million tons of emissions (Mtoe) from the existing buildings (as of 2005) and a contribution of 50 Mtoe from renewable energies during the period from now until 2020. Existing public buildings have a huge impact on the total energy use in Europe. For example, in France, hospitals alone represent about 11% of the energy consumption in the service industry, with an average of 225 kWh/m² per year. The potential for energy savings is thus particularly important at the national and European levels, where many facilities are very energy-intensive, and where the priorities are the functional quality of the buildings and the respect for optimal use conditions.

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