Research and development of an advanced photovoltaic fabric for outdoor solutions and applications
The objective of the Project is the development and validation of new flexible fabrics which carry photovoltaic modules and changing-phase materials for the manufacture of products of solar protection for external surfaces energetically self-sufficient. The technological validation of these new fabrics will be done by the manufacture and validation of two solution prototypes (umbrella and awning). These both applied technologies will increase the product’s energetic efficiency with their new fabrics. The change-phase materials will regulate the temperature of the lower areas where these canvases (eg. under an unbrella) are applied and will also decrease the temperatures of the photovoltaic modules and thus decrease the efficiency loss by its warming.
The photovoltaic modules will generate electric energy used in the same product to make it self-sufficient and increase its benefits. Moreover, the photovoltaic module’s energy administration system is going to be developed to feed all the product’s functionalities (illumination, smartphones charging, etc).
The Project will be developed in three key points:
- Research and development of the fabrics for the photovoltaic advanced canvas manufacture.
- Product design (which must allow the flexible modules folding).
- Development, manufacture, operation and validation of the new product.
Financial Framework: NUCLIS
Start Date: 01/01/2018
End Date: 31/12/2019
Contact Manager: I. Ortiz

Aquest projecte està cofinançat pel Fons Europeus de Desenvolupament Regional de la Unió Europea en el marc del Programa Operatiu FEDER de Catalunya 2014-2020.