STABLE Newsletter published: 150 cycles at 100% coulumbic efficiency!

The latest newsletter of STABLE project has been published! STABLE is the FP7 project on lithium-air batteries for cars. The newsletter contains the latest project results of all work packages with technical specifications and illustrations. Results of the project are great! Scientists managed to creat a battery cell that performed 150 cycles at 100% coulumbic efficiency! This is a very good result!

Click here to download it!

STABLE focuses on innovations of battery anode, cathode, electrolyte materials and technologies, as well as assembly of battery cells which are crucial on battery performance, cost and environmental impact.

Improvement of lifetime and cyclability of Li-air batteries through finding highly ac-tive bifunctional catalysts to effectively regenerate batteries, protecting the Li anode from dendrites formation using suitable membranes and obtaining stable electrolyte with additives to render solubility of Li2O2 that cause cathode clogging on cathode will be studied.

Activities will focus especially on 1) optimization of cathode structures; 2) the selection of active catalysts and de-hydration membranes; 3) modification of anode structure with necessary pro-tecting layers, additives or surfactants; 4) modification of electrolyte properties. The final aim is to obtain Li-air battery cells with specific capacity of >2000mAh/g and an improvement of cycle life to 100-150 cycles.

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