Validation of an industrial process to manufacture isosorbide bis(methyl carbonate) at pilot level
The use of isosorbide (IS), a still a low market volume bio-based chemical but with a high Cumulative Annual Growing Rate of 10.9%, in the manufacturing of intermediate building blocks and high volume polymers, such as polycarbonates, has some drawbacks that could be overcome by using isosorbide bis(methyl carbonate) (IBMC), a barely explored IS secondary building block which is proposed to enhance IS value chain.
VIPRISCAR main objectives are:
- To validate at pilot scale in an industrially relevant environment (TRL 5) a sustainable IBMC production process from IS
- To show a proof of principle for the added value IBMC brings to the market by demonstrating the usefulness of polymers derived thereof in three high-volume market sectors: industrial coatings, hot-melt adhesives, and biomedicine (antithrombotic-antimicrobial catheters).
Results expected are:
- A validated highly-efficient IBMC production process (TRL 5) able to be up-scaled and produce, under suitable market conditions, IBMC at a similar price to that of current oil-based monomers used in polycarbonates and polyurethanes
- At least 1 IBMC-derived coating for automotive and furniture
- At least 1 IBMC-derived hot-melt adhesive
- 1 antithrombotic-antimicrobial IBMC-derived catheter.
Exploitation encompasses patent licensing, collaborative research for further development to high TRLs and direct production commercialization (industrial partners).
The 3-years project is divided in 4 phases consisting of 8 WPs: 1) IBMC manufacturing process improvement to move from the current TRL of 3 (TEC granted patent) to 4 (WP2); 2) IBMC up-scaling to TRL 5 (WP3); 3) Proof of principle of IBMC applications (WP4-Coatings, WP5-Adhesives, WP6-Catheters); 4) Horizontal issues: Management (WP1); techno-economic analysis, LCA, REACH, health-safety, barriers and standards (WP7); market analysis, business models-financial impacts, IPR and exploitation, risk management, communication and dissemination strategy (WP8).
Project Budget: 3’527’608,75 €
LEITAT Budget: 272’812,50 €
Financial Framework: Horizon 2020
Contract number: 790440
Start Date: 01/06/2018
End Date: 31/05/2021

Contact Manager: R. de Sousa