Dry Wool Scouring project meets in Tavares and visits the wool cleaning facilities

The project entitled Eco-Efficient Dry Wool Scouring with total by-products recovery (WDS) managed by LEITAT hold its last meeting at Tavares, in Portugal. The WDS process scours wool and recovers wool grease, suint and dirt as by-products which can be valorized as lanolin and fertilizers, respectively.

The consortium met to present the work progress of the different activities and the remaining tasks before the end of the project in February 2016. After discussing the work plan of the next 4 months, the participants visited the Tavares scouring plant. They could see the results of the project activities and how the quality of the wool obtained with the new process was achieved. The ecological impact was significantly reduced. At the end of the process, three products were obtained: the clean wool, the grease and dust (dirt).

Sample of clean wool  Clean wool, grease and organic residuals

Talvares facilities  Project consortium

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