Register for the Workshop: Transforming Mediterranean Sea data into innovative information services

Attend the first ODYSSEA Stakeholder Workshop! It will take place on the 25th of October in Rome. It is entitled Transforming Mediterranean Sea data into innovative information services.

Click here to download the programme.

More information here.

Event location: Rome (Italy), Piazza Borghese 9–Lecture Hall (Aula Magna)of the Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University

ODYSSEA (Operating a network of integrated observatory systems in the Mediterranean Sea) is an EU funded H2020 project that will develop, operate and demonstrate an interoperable and cost-effective platform that fully integrates networks of observing and forecasting systems across the Mediterranean basin, addressing both the open sea and the coastal zone.

Collaboration with various stakeholders and keyplayers is not only a necessary component of the dissemination andexploitation activities, but also an important part of the project itself. The project indeed aims to build on existing initiatives and serve the needs of a range of data users in the Mediterranean.

Therefore, this first Stakeholder Workshop is aims to foster partnership between ODYSSEA, platform providers andEU funded projects,creating synergies among participants and optimizing the research activities of organizations dealing with similar topics.

After a first session setting the scene, the workshophas two main sessions: in session I, ODYSSEA and some other projects and platforms will be presented. Session II foresees a roundtable discussion aimed to create a mutually beneficial leverage of knowledge.

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