Validation of an industrial process to manufacture isosorbide bis(methyl carbonate) at pilot level


The use of isosorbide (IS), a still a low market volume bio-based chemical but with a high Cumulative Annual Growing Rate of 10.9%, in the manufacturing of intermediate building blocks and high volume polymers, such as polycarbonates, has some drawbacks that could be overcome by using isosorbide bis(methyl carbonate) (IBMC), a barely explored IS secondary building block which is proposed to enhance IS value chain.

VIPRISCAR main objectives are:

  1. To validate at pilot scale in an industrially relevant environment (TRL 5) a sustainable IBMC production process from IS
  2. To show a proof of principle for the added value IBMC brings to the market by demonstrating the usefulness of polymers derived thereof in three high-volume market sectors: industrial coatings, hot-melt adhesives, and biomedicine (antithrombotic-antimicrobial catheters).

Results expected are:

  1. A validated highly-efficient IBMC production process (TRL 5) able to be up-scaled and produce, under suitable market conditions, IBMC at a similar price to that of current oil-based monomers used in polycarbonates and polyurethanes
  2. At least 1 IBMC-derived coating for automotive and furniture
  3. At least 1 IBMC-derived hot-melt adhesive
  4. 1 antithrombotic-antimicrobial IBMC-derived catheter.

Exploitation encompasses patent licensing, collaborative research for further development to high TRLs and direct  production commercialization (industrial partners).

The 3-years project is divided in 4 phases consisting of 8 WPs: 1) IBMC manufacturing process improvement to move from the current TRL of 3 (TEC granted patent) to 4 (WP2); 2) IBMC up-scaling to TRL 5 (WP3); 3) Proof of principle of IBMC applications (WP4-Coatings, WP5-Adhesives, WP6-Catheters); 4) Horizontal issues: Management (WP1); techno-economic analysis, LCA, REACH, health-safety, barriers and standards (WP7); market analysis, business models-financial impacts, IPR and exploitation, risk management, communication and dissemination strategy (WP8).

Project Budget: 3’527’608,75 €

LEITAT Budget: 272’812,50 €

Financial Framework: Horizon 2020

Contract number: 790440

Start Date: 01/06/2018

End Date: 31/05/2021


Contact Manager: R. de Sousa

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 790440. This publication reflects only the author’s views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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