Harnessing the marine microbiome for novel sustainable biogenics and ecosystem services.
Marine microbial communities perform critical life sustaining functions on Earth and represent a vast unexploited treasure trove of bioresources that have the potential to strengthen the European blue economy. To unlock this hidden potential, as well as responsibly conduct biodiscovery from marine microbes requires multiple developments. We need to amalgamate and apply advanced technologies to elucidate the composition, interactions and functional repertoire of the marine microbiome, while concomitantly ensuring sustainable and equitable exploitation, maintaining ocean health, and improving ocean literacy through an improved appreciation of ocean microbes.
To address these needs, BlueRemediomics will: (1) develop and provide an integrated bioinformatics platform to explore the marine microbiome potential; (2) establish innovative culturomics and high-throughput screening platforms to experimentally exploit consortia of marine microbes; (3) apply the platforms to identify and develop natural products derived from marine microbes; (4) foster aquaculture and ecosystem services that embody the “do no significant harm” principle; (5) maximise equitable access to ocean microbiome resources and increase awareness of the marine microbiome to a diverse range of stakeholders; (6) Provide training, tools and resources to a variety of stakeholders.
To achieve these objectives, BlueRemediomics interlinks an advanced “Discovery Platform” with “Applications”, so designed to facilitate cyclical and iterative crosstalk. By federating multiple, currently fragmented key data resources, the Discovery Platform will accelerate new product identification and development, reduce resource dependence, raise consumer benefits and address key societal issues. New modalities in access and benefit sharing will be established that balance sustainable and equitable use of marine genetic resources with intellectual property protection.
Project Budget: 8,999,763.75 €
Leitat Budget: 537,560 €
Financial Framework: HORIZON EUROPE
Contract number: 101082304
Start Date: 01/12/2022
End Date: 30/11/2026
Main role & contribution in the project:
- Leitat will investigate the potential of microbial communities to produce antimicrobial compounds by performing in vitro functional assays and analysing the metagenome and the extracellular metabolome (in collaboration with the SZN) to identify the source of the compounds.
- Leitat will develop a bacterial consortium based on dietary fish needs and the co-culturing platform (WP2).
- LEITAT will test the antimicrobial potential of the most abundant metabolites, with the effectiveness of whole microbial communities as antimicrobial products for aquaculture.
- Leitat will perform metagenomic sequencing on samples from water, fish faeces and guts, and work with EMBL on the data analysis. The combined results from NORCE and Leitat will help determine the effects of different rearing strategies on the microbiome and cascading effects on production.

Funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe Programme, Grant Nº 101082304 (BlueRemediomics). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority, the Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.