The third and final online webinar will take place on the 29th of February 2024 via TEAMS. The one-hour webinar with the topic Final prototype and market potentials will focus on cell prototype development and assembly, and market potentials. A selected group of CoFBAT partners will present how the CoFBAT advances into market needs for decentralized energy production, private households and robotized devices, as well as how the challenges in the prototype cell were faced.
The project is almost at its end now, a challenge that started with the specification of necessary requirements for the battery cell, followed by a selection of the right materials in search to a perfect balance. The final months are all about the assembling and testing of the final pouch cells and CoFBAT 21700 prototype cell. The results so far look very promising! In 2021, the CoFBAT project organized its first Webinar related to the Material challenges for next generation storage batteries and in February 2023, the second CoFBAT webinar titled Material and component upscaling & recyclability and sustainability was organized. Both webinars were quite a success with over more than 40 participants.
Your presence would be greatly appreciated, to hear your opinion on our work and/or suggestions to improve our results. To register please inform by e-mail before 19 February 2024 to Arjo Roersch van der Hoogte (, stating that you would like to join. You will receive a confirmation and a link to the meeting approximately one week before 29 February 2024.

This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N. 875126