Food for Life: less waste, more quality and sustainability

From the 13th-16th of October, the 18th Euro Food Chem conference took place in Madrid. In this frame, a joint seminar with different project including EU-NOSHAN, EU-TRADEIT, EU-FUSIONS, EU-REFRESH, EU-HEALTHY MINOR CEREALS & EU-SUNNIVA was organised by KIM, project partner of NOSHAN. On the 13th, each project hold a presentation to present its results. Topics included sustainable production of functional and safe feed from food waste, new sources of proteins, fibres and polyphenols, and outcomes in livestock nutrition. Different round tables took place in the afternoon. The full programme of the event can be downloaded here.

For NOSHAN project coordinated by LEITAT, it was a great occasion to disseminate results and propose the developed strategies to potential partners for exploitation.

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