Meet us at the Information Day – Call for ERA-Net MANUNET Projects

Today, from 9-12, the information day regarding ERA-Net MANUNET Projects is taking place in Castelldefels (close to Barcelona). It is organized by Acció, Fundació CIM, and Parc UPC.

If you wish to get in touch with our representative, don’t hesitate to contact us.

The agenda of the event is available here.

The goal of this event is to present the ERA-Net MANUNET 2016 call, what services are offered by Acció under this scheme, and what are the differences with the previous call.

More information about ERA-NET MANUNET II

The strategic objective of the MANUNET Call for Proposals is to foster the competitiveness of Europe’s Manufacturing Industry by co-funding manufacturing research projects performed by enterprises (preferably SMEs) and their strategic partners.

Time Schedule

  • Deadline for pre-proposals: 17 March 2016, 17:00 (CET)
  • Deadline for full proposals: 28 June 2016, 17:00 (CET)
  • Communication of the evaluation results: Mid October 2016
  • Start of projects: Contact national/regional agency

Objectives and Topics

The strategic objective of the MANUNET call for proposals is to foster the competitiveness of Europe’s Manufacturing Industry by co-funding manufacturing research projects performed by enterprises (preferably SMEs) and their strategic partners.

  • Knowledge-based engineering, information and communication technologies for manufacturing (industrial robotics, computer-aided engineering and design, automated manufacturing, product lifetime management, etc.)
  • Manufacturing technologies for environmental and energy applications, including resource efficiency and recycling
  • Adaptive manufacturing technologies, including processes for removing, joining, adding, forming, consolidating, assembling
  • New materials for manufacturing (alloys, lubricants, coatings, textile fibers, construction, composites, insulation, etc.)
  • New manufacturing methods, components, and systems (development of demonstrators, devices and equipment, logistic systems, etc.)
  • Other technologies/products related to the manufacturing field

The MANUNET call includes all fields in Manufacturing.

The respective regional/national thematic programme focus should be taken into account (Swiss participants need to follow the standard rules of the innovation funding programme CTI).

Participating Regions/Countries

The MANUNET 2016 Call is open for entities belonging to these regions/countries:

  • Asturias (Spain)
  • Basque Country (Spain)
  • Castile and Leon (Spain)
  • Catalonia (Spain)
  • Navarra (Spain)
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • Israel
  • Lower Austria (Austria)
  • Piedmont (Italy)
  • Russia
  • Slovakia
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey
  • Wallonia (Belgium)
  • Western Greece (Greece)


All MANUNET projects should be designed on the following principle:

  • Consortia consisting of at least 2 independent SMEs belonging to 2 participating countries, or 2 regions in different countries.
  • Large companies, academic research groups, universities, or other public organizations may also participate according to their regional/national financing regulations, as long as there are 2 independent SMEs belonging to 2 participating countries, or 2 regions in different countries.
  • The composition of the consortium should be efficient in size in order to accomplish the objectives proposed. However, we expect small-medium projects with no more than 4 or 5 partners.

Further Information and Call Documents

On European level

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