Meet us at EARPA Spring meetings 2016 in Brussels

EARPAOn March 9th, EARPA is organising a reception and walking dinner in Brussels which is open to external guests. External guests need to subscribe with a business e-mail address. The other parts of the programme are for EARPA members only.



9 March 2016: Task Force meetings
10 March 2016: Internal partners meeting (plenary)


Hotel Pullman Brussels Centre Midi
Place Victor Horta 1, 1060 Brussels, Belgium

Subscribe for the event here. If you want to get in touch with our project manager, click here.


About EARPA:


Founded in 2002, EARPA is the association of automotive R&D organisations. It brings together the most prominent independent R&D providers in the automotive sector throughout Europe. Its membership counts at present 47 members ranging from large and small commercial organisations to national institutes and universities.


EARPA is the platform of automotive researchers and is actively contributing to the European Research Area and the future EU RTD funding programmes.


EARPA works in close cooperation with the automotive industry, the automotive suppliers, the oil industry as well as the European Institutions and the EU Member States.


EARPA is independent from any external body or institute and is only funded by its members’ fees and is governed by an Executive Board and a General Assembly.


Before the creation of EARPA in 2002 there was not any kind of association of independent R&D organisations in the automotive sector. Accordingly, under the lead of AVL, FEV, IDIADA, IFP, Ricardo and TNO, the creation of EARPA was announced in November 2001 (EUCAR conference) and the legal process was set in motion. EARPA was legally established in July 2002.


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