The European Materials Research Society (EMRS) is holding from 2nd to 6th of May 2016 its Spring meeting in Lille, France. NanoCaTe, a European project is supporting this event and researchers from LEITAT will present recent research activities of the project. Maziar Ahmadi, investigator at LEITAT is an invited speaker and will contribute to the discussion around Materials and systems for micro-energy harvesting and storage. Click here to read the call for papers of the EMRS and for more information about this event.
NanoCaTe is a project co-financed by the European Commission that develops a more efficient thermoelectric- and storage material based on nanocarbon to reclaim waste heat by thermoelectric generators and to storage the energy in super capacitors or secondary batteries for manifold applications like pulsed sensors or mobile electronic devices.
The integration of the developed materials into harvester and storage devices is a further step to characterize the performance of the innovative materials. Finally, a demonstrator consisting of harvester, storage and energy management represents a self-sustaining, universally usable, and maintenance-free power supply. The project will substantially strengthen the position of Europe in the field of thermoelectric and storage materials by developing devices with increased lifetime produced by cost-efficient technologies and therefore contributing to a further promotion of cleaner energy technologies.