Study and realization of innovative photovoltaic devices based on new generation luminescent technology
The main goal of PHOTOFUTURE project is the development of new low cost photovoltaic systems. In particular the project foresees the production of two kind of photovoltaic systems based on the development of luminescent down-shifting solid films.
The project includes:
- Theoretical analysis of the elemental molecular units
- Design and synthesis of cromophore systems
- Characterisation of synthised cromophore systems
- Grown of novel photoluminescent thin film materials
- Charecterisation of the produced photoluminscent thin film materials
Financial Framework: FP7- Marie Skłodowska Curie
Contract number: 226070
Start Date: 25/10/2010
End Date: 24/10/2013

Contact Manager: G. Avellaneda

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement Nº 226070